Friday, December 13, 2013

I love new old stock

If developers are going to continue to try to shove clunky dual analog controls and Call of Duty clones down my throat, then screw them, I won't buy any new shooters.  Instead, I'll buy old ones, like this!

There's nothing like getting a brand new old game.  It's wonderful.  Only $40 too!  You can't really tell from that picture, but the logo is actually embossed.

Back when this game came out Nintendo Power ran a review in which they said it was a real shame that the game would undoubtedly get overshadowed by Perfect Dark.  Unfortunately, they were right.

Well, I can rectify that problem for myself by playing this for the first time.  I hope to get some four-player action going.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

More shooters

I decided to pick up some more old school shooters.

Operation Wolf and Operation Thunderbolt were arcade games that were ported to the NES and SNES.  Both games have light gun support (since the arcade cabinets had positional guns), so that's why I picked them up.  Operation Thunderbolt is one of only two SNES games that supported both the Super Scope and Mouse simultaneously (T2: The Arcade Game was the other one).  Expect an upload in the near future.

I tried a little bit of Quake II so far.  I really like the graphics, especially with the Expansion Pak.  This one looks to actually be more fun than the first Quake, which I still need to finish.  Oh how I missed out on N64 shooters back in the day.  Stupid me, I thought Perfect Dark was all I needed.