Monday, February 22, 2016

New Nunchuck

The rubber grip on one of my Wii's nunchucks has gotten a bit worn out, so I decided to buy a new one.  Wii controllers are still being manufactured and sold in stores, so they're dirt cheap.  If you need new controllers or just want to stockpile for the future, now is the time to do it.

I picked up a launch version nunchuck with the original blister packaging for only $17.

Nintendo changed to a cardboard packaging for the Wii Remotes and nunchucks a few years into the Wii's lifespan, and I noticed that Nintendo also changed the type of plastic in the controllers themselves.  Later model Wii controllers have a rougher plastic that's easier to grip, as well as stiffer buttons.  The earlier versions have a smoother plastic.

The later versions of the controllers aren't bad at all; they're just different.  But I figured I'd replace my nunchuck with the same version.  These are the odd things you notice when you play video games for hours on end.

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