Sunday, March 5, 2017

Super Nintendo System Box

Some time last year I discovered that I had the wrong type of system box for my SNES.  You see, I managed to keep all of my system boxes from my childhood, except for one: the SNES.  For some reason my family threw the box out right after we opened our SNES.  Since I received my SNES for Christmas of 1992, I thought maybe I had received the launch version, so I picked up a launch version box off eBay a few years ago to make my box collection complete.  I thought I had the right box when I bought that one:

Well, it turned out I was wrong.  By late 1992 Nintendo had revised the system box for the SNES.  It was now labeled the "Super Set" and it included a triangular-shaped label in the top right corner letting you know that it came with Super Mario World.

After months and months of searching, I recently found a pristine SNES box on eBay that matched my requirements.  Here it is in all its glory:

Now, at this point you might be wondering how I discovered which type of box I needed.  Did I manage to do a ton of research on retro forums?  Am I some sort of living Nintendo encyclopedia?  Well, it's neither of those.

I went digging through some old family pictures and found this photo from Christmas of 1992:

That right there answered everything.

1 comment:

  1. You and your brother looked so cute and adorable back then, enough for all the girls to go crazy for you, lol.
