Friday, April 25, 2014

Super Double Dragon

I own quite a few video game posters (since they were included with so many 8-bit and 16-bit games), but somehow I forgot to post my favorite poster from my collection. 

This one managed to slip my mind.  It's sitting in my closet, stored safely in a cheap (but handy) frame.

I got this Super Double Dragon poster off ebay back around 2000.  I probably paid $20 at most.  This thing is huge.  Too big, in fact, to fit into a standard SNES game box.  So I have no idea where this poster originated.

There's also some printing on the backside.

If anyone knows where this poster came from, I'd love to hear about it.


  1. Wow That's a very nice poster you've got there ! I don't know where it comes from? I can't find it anywhere, i think it's rare.
    Any chance to scan it and upload into a zip file ??
    Many thanks

    1. It's so large that I don't know if I can properly scan it, plus I'm worried about damaging it. Using a normal size scanner I would probably have to fold it against the creases, which I'm worried about doing.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. If you're still around and able to view this, I've scanned the poster and posted it on this blog.
