Thursday, May 1, 2014

Nintendo Power

Did I mention that I own every issue of Nintendo Power?  I guess I forgot to mention that.

I was a continuous subscriber since Volume 52 (the Super Mario All-Stars issue), although my subscription temporarily lapsed around 2009 for some reason.  I think Future US forgot to inform me to renew or something.  But oh boy did I love that magazine.

Although I had seen Nintendo Power in the late '80s/early '90s, I never asked my parents to get it for me.  Then I came home from school one day to find the Super Mario All-Stars issue sitting on a table.  I was told I could read it once I finished my homework.  I quickly became addicted to the magazine and eagerly awaited each new issue.  Magazines were just plain fun to read and Nintendo Power was how I got my gaming news for the longest time.

You could actually back order the old Nintendo Power issues in huge batches for several years (there was an order form in the back of the magazine), but sometime in the '90s Nintendo ran of stock of their old issues, so I wasn't able to take advantage of that in time (kids don't have a lot of money, of course).

Around 2000 or so I acquired all the remaining issues (1-51) off ebay in some massive batches.  They were dirt cheap back then (it was amazing that they had no resale value) and in excellent condition.  I had to buy issues 1 and 2 separate though. 

I managed to pick up an excellent condition first issue for maybe $20 at most - with the poster and all the inserts intact.  Issue 2 was much cheaper.  Those days are now long gone and the prices have spiked due to increased game collecting and Nintendo Power ceasing publication.

All of my issues have their posters intact, and many still have the detachable inserts.  My earlier original issues (around volume 52 or so) had the posters cut out so I had to replace those.  But my issues from about Volume 60 forward are originally mine.

Anyway, I keep all the magazines stored in the closet in two huge boxes.  This one holds the earlier issues and a bunch of Player's Guides:

This other, smaller box holds that last bunch of issues and some more recent guides from Prima:

Here is just one stack of magazines from the large box (spread out into smaller stacks):

Here's a neat photo.  The first and last issues, side by side:

And the backsides:

For those aren't too familiar with the magazine, Nintendo included fold-out posters in the earlier issues, but they didn't detach easily at all.  They were part of the magazine itself and had to be cut out (which sucked).

This is the fold-out poster for the first issue:

Nintendo Power printed regular pages on the other side of the poster, so if you cut them out, you literally ripped out standard pages with guides/maps on them.  Not good.

Here's the backside of the first issue's poster:

Earlier issues also had neat contests that you could enter.  Nintendo would enter you in that issue's sweepstakes if you mailed in the accompanying postcard voting for your favorite games and whatnot (that's how the magazine gathered votes for the monthly Player's Poll games charts).

Here's the intact postcard from the first issue:

Here's the intact subscription card from the first issue (Nintendo gave away the first issue to get people to subscribe):

Here are some of the other early issues (Volumes 2 and 3 pictured here):

And here are Volumes 4, 5 and 6:

I won't post every issue since that would take too long, but I figured I should at least show off some of the earlier ones.

I also own several Player's Guides, so I may get around to posting those as well.

1 comment:

  1. I wish Nintendo Power was still running.
