Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Recent game purchases

I've gone on a bit of a retro shopping binge recently, so I have some nice new additions to my collection.  This means more potential Youtube uploads.

First, I decided on some new light gun games.  To the Earth for the NES looked interesting, so I decided to pick up a copy.  Lucky me, I found a sealed copy for only $24.  Other people may not care about these games, but I love them!  That just just means less competition on Ebay.

I haven't tried the game yet, but expect an upload this year, probably within the next few months.  I hear it's a tough Zapper game, but it probably can't be any harder than Operation Wolf (which was really hard).

I also decided that I needed some more two-player cooperative games, so I picked up Shadow of the Ninja and Life Force for the NES.  Two-player cooperative games are my favorite type of games, so I couldn't resist. 

I don't think I've played Life Force before, but it's a two-player sequel to Gradius.  Drew and I played it a little bit and it's a lot of fun, but very challenging.  I'll need to practice quite a bit to memorize the patterns.  It will be tough to do a two-player playthrough, but I'll work on it.

I heard about Shadow of the Ninja in a Nintendo Power retro feature from a few years ago.  I have a vague memory of playing a two-player ninja game as a kid, so that might have been this game.  In any event, the game has some similarities to Shatterhand, and it has two-player simultaneous gameplay.  Too cool!  I definitely want to upload this one.  The game wasn't cheap though.  It set me back $100 for a complete copy.  I think it's worth it.

I also picked up a couple more SNES games.  I said above that I picked up more light gun "games" (i.e., more than one), and the second one is for the SNES. 

It's Bazooka Blitzkrieg, a somewhat rare Super Scope game.  It looks interesting and I can't wait to upload it.

Also, after too many years I have finally picked up Super Punch-Out!! complete in box.  I never knew anyone who owned this game back in the day and I never played it before now.  For whatever reason, I just never paid attention to the game despite my love for Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!  I've tried the game a little and so far it feels easier than its NES counterpart.  But it's fun.  I'll need to upload that for sure.

I also picked up some other gaming-related items, but I'll get to those things in another post.

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